This resource represents the Bookings (reservations) occupying the calendar for a given Rental.
Depending on the use case, there are various types of Bookings (determined by status
Booked - the actual confirmed bookings for a given Client.
Tentative - the bookings that are not confirmed yet. Either these bookings eventually become Booked or they expire (which is determined by tentative_expires_at
attribute) and are canceled in such such case.
Unavailable - mostly useful for blocking the calendar (e.g. for a given season)
Canceled - the bookings that no longer occupy the calendar
Name | Type | Read/Write | Description |
id | Integer | Read | Booking’s id. |
reference | String | Read | Booking’s reference code. |
status | String | Read | Booking’s status. |
updated_at | Time | Read | Booking’s update time. |
start_at | Time | Read | Booking’s start time. |
end_at | Time | Read | Booking’s end time. |
Name | Type | Read/Write | Description | Constraints |
account | Integer | Read | Account’s ID related to the Booking | |
rental | Integer | Read | Rental’s ID related to the Booking | |
client | Integer | Read | Client’s ID related to the Booking | |
rental_agreement | Integer | Read | RentalAgreement’s ID related to the Bookings Fee | |
source | Integer | Read | Source’s ID related to the Booking | |
inquiry | Integer | Read | Inquiry’s ID related to the Booking | |
created_by_id | Integer | Read | Created By’s ID related to the Booking | (User, Booking or Application - this is a polymorphic association) |
created_by_type | String | Read | Created By’s Type related to the Booking | (User, Booking or Application - this is a polymorphic association) |
booking_comments | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Comments IDs | |
booking_fees | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Fees IDs | |
booking_taxes | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Taxes IDs | |
booking_payments | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Payments IDs | |
conversations | Array | Read | Array of related Inbox Conversation IDs | |
payments | Array | Read | Array of related Payments IDs | |
rentals_tags | Array | Read | Array of related Rentals Tags IDs | |
bookings_tags | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Tags IDs | |
id | Integer | Read | Booking’s id. | |
client_id | Integer | Write | Client id related to the Booking. | |
source_id | Integer | Write | Source id related to the Booking. | |
bookings_tag_ids | Array | Write | Array of ids of BookingsTags to be associated with Booking. | |
adults | Integer | Read/Write | Booking’s number of adults. | |
booked | Boolean | Read/Write | Booking’s booked status, false by default. When set to true, marks a regular booking. | |
channel_price | Integer | Read/Write | Price accepted by the traveler on the channel site, excluding traveler’s fees (eg: Airbnb). | |
children | Integer | Read/Write | Booking’s number of children. | |
commission | Decimal | Write | Booking’s commission fee. | Requires final_price to be present |
currency | String | Read/Write | Booking’s currency code, list of codes described in enums section. | Must be blank or included in currencies list |
damage_deposit | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s damage deposit. | greater than or equal to: 0. It is read-only and auto-generated in case damage_deposit_collection_method is "smily_damage_deposit_with_swikly"
charge_damage_deposit_on_arrival | Boolean | Read/Write | Defines if charge damage deposit will be charged on arrival. | Can be true or false for Pro subscriptions, only false allowed for Service subscriptions when damage_deposit_collection_method is "smily_damage_deposit_with_swikly" , and only true allowed for Service subsriptions when damage_deposit_collection_method is "with_smily"
damage_deposit_collection_method | String | Read/Write | Booking’s damage deposit collection method. | List of values described in enums section. |
damage_deposit_external_collection_method_name | String | Read/Write | Damage deposit collection method name (in case damage_deposit_collection_method is "external" ). |
Leave blank unless damage_deposit_collection_method is "external"
discount | String | Read/Write | Booking’s discount. (in percents e.g. 10%) | must blank or an absolute value (e.g. 100) or percentage value (e.g. 10%) |
door_key_code | String | Read/Write | Booking’s rental door key code. | |
downpayment | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s downpayment. | Requires final_price to be present |
expected_checkin_time | String | Read/Write | Expected guest’s checkin time. | must be blank or represent a time value (e.g. 12, 12:30) |
expected_checkout_time | String | Read/Write | Expected guest’s checkout time. | must be blank or represent a time value (e.g. 12, 12:30) |
final_payback_to_owner | Decimal | Read/Write | Final payback to rental owner. | Must be lower than final_price
final_price | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s final price. (after discount) | |
initial_price | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s initial price. | |
payment_left_to_collect | Decimal | Read | Booking’s payment left to collect. | |
locked | String | Write | Booking’s locked status. | |
notes | Text | Read/Write | Booking’s notes. (1000 characters max) | maximum length: 6000 |
reference | String | Read | Booking’s reference code. | |
rental_payback_to_owner | Decimal | Read/Write | Amount of money to pay back to owner (only rental, excluding fees). | Must be blank or greater than or equal to: 0 and lower than initial_price
status | String | Read | Booking’s status. | |
unavailable | Boolean | Read/Write | Booking’s unavailable status, false by default. When set to true, marks the given period as unavailable. Commonly used for closed or maintenance periods. | |
external_reference | String | Read/Write | Booking’s reference from the source channel. | |
cancelation_reason | String | Read/Write | Booking’s cancelation reason (for writable part - it can be used in both update and cancelation endpoints) | |
cancelation_message_to_guest | String | Read/Write | Booking’s cancelation message to guest (for writable part - only in cancelation endpoint) | |
cancelation_message_to_channel | String | Read/Write | Booking’s cancelation message to guest (for writable part - only in cancelation endpoint) | |
imported | Boolean | Read/Write | Whether this booking was imported from the external Channel or not | |
reconciliation | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s reconciliation | |
authorized_amount | Decimal | Read | Booking’s authorized amount | |
paid_or_authorized_amount | Decimal | Read | Booking’s paid or authorized amount | |
updated_at | Time | Read | Booking’s update time. | |
start_at | Time | Read/Write | Booking’s start time. |
Required, must be before end_at
end_at | Time | Read/Write | Booking’s end time. |
Required, must be after start_at
canceled_at | Time | Write | Booking’s cancel time. | |
tentative_expires_at | Time | Write | Booking’s tentative expiry time, null by default. When set, it will mark the period as “on hold” until the given date. Once this date is passed, the period will automatically become available again. | Must be in the future |
booked_at | Time | Write | Exact timestamp when a booking was booked |
Name | Type | Read/Write | Description |
account | Integer | Read | Account’s ID related to the Booking |
rental | Integer | Read | Rental’s ID related to the Booking |
client | Integer | Read | Client’s ID related to the Booking |
rental_agreement | Integer | Read | RentalAgreement’s ID related to the Bookings Fee |
source | Integer | Read | Source’s ID related to the Booking |
inquiry | Integer | Read | Inquiry’s ID related to the Booking |
created_by_id | Integer | Read | Created By’s ID related to the Booking |
created_by_type | String | Read | Created By’s Type related to the Booking |
booking_comments | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Comments IDs |
booking_fees | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Fees IDs |
booking_taxes | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Taxes IDs |
booking_payments | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Payments IDs |
conversations | Array | Read | Array of related Inbox Conversation IDs |
payments | Array | Read | Array of related Payments IDs |
rentals_tags | Array | Read | Array of related Rentals Tags IDs |
bookings_tags | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Tags IDs |
id | Integer | Read | Booking’s id. |
adults | Integer | Read | Booking’s number of adults. |
booked | Boolean | Read | Booking’s booked status, false by default. When set to true, marks a regular booking. |
bookings_payments_count | Integer | Read | Booking’s number of payments. |
channel_price | Integer | Read | Price accepted by the traveler on the channel site, excluding traveler’s fees (eg: Airbnb). |
children | Integer | Read | Booking’s number of children. |
commission | Decimal | Read | Booking’s commission fee. |
currency | String | Read | Booking’s currency code, list of codes described in enums section. |
damage_deposit | Decimal | Read | Booking’s damage deposit. |
charge_damage_deposit_on_arrival | Boolean | Read | Defines if charge damage deposit will be charged on arrival. Can be true or false for Pro subscriptions, only false allowed for Service subscriptions when damage_deposit_collection_method is "smily_damage_deposit_with_swikly" , and only true allowed for Service subsriptions when damage_deposit_collection_method is "with_smily"
damage_deposit_collection_method | String | Read | Booking’s damage deposit collection method. List of values described in enums section. |
damage_deposit_external_collection_method_name | String | Read | Damage deposit collection method name (in case damage_deposit_collection_method is "external" ). Can be blank unless damage_deposit_collection_method is "external"
discount | String | Read | Booking’s discount. (in percents e.g. 10%) |
door_key_code | String | Read | Booking’s rental door key code. |
downpayment | Decimal | Read | Booking’s downpayment. |
expected_checkin_time | String | Read | Expected guest’s checkin time. |
expected_checkout_time | String | Read | Expected guest’s checkout time. |
final_payback_to_owner | Decimal | Read | Final payback to rental owner. |
final_price | Decimal | Read | Booking’s final price. (after discount) |
final_rental_price | Decimal | Read | initial_rental_price reduced by discount (taxes and fees not included). |
initial_price | Decimal | Read | Booking’s initial price. |
initial_rental_price | Decimal | Read | An alias for initial_price |
payment_left_to_collect | Decimal | Read | Booking’s payment left to collect. |
locked | String | Read | Booking’s locked status. |
notes | Text | Read | Booking’s notes. |
owned_by_app | Boolean | Read | Defines whether booking was created by current app. |
paid_amount | Decimal | Read | Booking’s amount that have already been paid. |
payment_url | String | Read | Url for booking’s payment. |
reference | String | Read | Booking’s reference code. |
rental_payback_to_owner | Decimal | Read | Amount of money to pay back to owner (only rental, excluding fees). |
review_requests_count | Integer | Read | Booking’s number of review requests. |
status | String | Read | Booking’s status. |
unavailable | Boolean | Read | Booking’s unavailable status, false by default. When set to true, marks the given period as unavailable. Commonly used for closed or maintenance periods. |
external_reference | String | Read | Booking’s reference from the source channel. |
cancelation_reason | String | Read | Booking’s cancelation reason |
cancelation_message_to_guest | String | Read | Booking’s cancelation message to guest |
cancelation_message_to_channel | String | Read | Booking’s cancelation message to guest |
imported | Boolean | Read/Write | Whether this booking was imported from the external Channel or not |
reconciliation | Decimal | Read | Booking’s reconciliation |
authorized_amount | Decimal | Read | Booking’s authorized amount |
paid_or_authorized_amount | Decimal | Read | Booking’s paid or authorized amount |
balance_due_at | Time | Read | Booking’s payment deadline. |
created_at | Time | Read | Booking’s create time. |
updated_at | Time | Read | Booking’s update time. |
start_at | Time | Read | Booking’s start time. |
end_at | Time | Read | Booking’s end time. |
canceled_at | Time | Read | Booking’s cancel time. |
tentative_expires_at | Time | Read | Booking’s tentative expiry time, null by default. When set, it will mark the period as “on hold” until the given date. Once this date is passed, the period will automatically become available again. |
contract_updated_at | Time | Read | Booking’s contract update time. |
Name | Type | Read/Write | Description | Constraints |
account | Integer | Read | Account’s ID related to the Booking | |
rental | Integer | Read | Rental’s ID related to the Booking | |
client | Integer | Read | Client’s ID related to the Booking | |
rental_agreement | Integer | Read | RentalAgreement’s ID related to the Bookings Fee | |
source | Integer | Read | Source’s ID related to the Booking | |
inquiry | Integer | Read | Inquiry’s ID related to the Booking | |
created_by_id | Integer | Read | Created By’s ID related to the Booking | (User, Booking or Application - this is a polymorphic association) |
created_by_type | String | Read | Created By’s Type related to the Booking | (User, Booking or Application - this is a polymorphic association) |
booking_comments | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Comments IDs | |
booking_fees | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Fees IDs | |
booking_taxes | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Taxes IDs | |
booking_payments | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Payments IDs | |
conversations | Array | Read | Array of related Inbox Conversation IDs | |
payments | Array | Read | Array of related Payments IDs | |
rentals_tags | Array | Read | Array of related Rentals Tags IDs | |
bookings_tags | Array | Read | Array of related Bookings Tags IDs | |
id | Integer | Read | Booking’s id. | |
client_id | Integer | Write | Client id related to the Booking. | |
source_id | Integer | Write | Source id related to the Booking. | |
bookings_tag_ids | Array | Write | Array of ids of BookingsTags to be associated with Booking. | |
adults | Integer | Read/Write | Booking’s number of adults. | |
booked | Boolean | Read/Write | Booking’s booked status, false by default. When set to true, marks a regular booking. | |
bookings_payments_count | Integer | Read | Booking’s number of payments. | |
channel_price | Integer | Read/Write | Price accepted by the traveler on the channel site, excluding traveler’s fees (eg: Airbnb). | |
children | Integer | Read/Write | Booking’s number of children. | |
commission | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s commission fee. | Requires final_price to be present |
currency | String | Read/Write | Booking’s currency code, list of codes described in enums section. | Must be blank or included in currencies list |
damage_deposit | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s damage deposit. | greater than or equal to: 0. It is read-only and auto-generated in case damage_deposit_collection_method is "smily_damage_deposit_with_swikly"
charge_damage_deposit_on_arrival | Boolean | Read/Write | Defines if charge damage deposit will be charged on arrival. | Can be true or false for Pro subscriptions, only false allowed for Service subscriptions when damage_deposit_collection_method is "smily_damage_deposit_with_swikly" , and only true allowed for Service subsriptions when damage_deposit_collection_method is "with_smily"
damage_deposit_collection_method | String | Read/Write | Booking’s damage deposit collection method. | List of values described in enums section. |
damage_deposit_external_collection_method_name | String | Read/Write | Damage deposit collection method name (in case damage_deposit_collection_method is "external" ). |
Leave blank unless damage_deposit_collection_method is "external"
discount | String | Read/Write | Booking’s discount. (in percents e.g. 10%) | must blank or an absolute value (e.g. 100) or percentage value (e.g. 10%) |
door_key_code | String | Read/Write | Booking’s rental door key code. | |
downpayment | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s downpayment. | Requires final_price to be present |
expected_checkin_time | String | Read/Write | Expected guest’s checkin time. | must be blank or represent a time value (e.g. 12, 12:30) |
expected_checkout_time | String | Read/Write | Expected guest’s checkout time. | must be blank or represent a time value (e.g. 12, 12:30) |
final_payback_to_owner | Decimal | Read/Write | Final payback to rental owner. | Must be lower than final_price
final_price | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s final price. (after discount) | |
final_rental_price | Decimal | Read | initial_rental_price reduced by discount (taxes and fees not included). | |
initial_price | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s initial price. | |
initial_rental_price | Decimal | Read | An alias for initial_price. | |
payment_left_to_collect | Decimal | Read | Booking’s payment left to collect. | |
locked | String | Read/Write | Booking’s locked status. | |
notes | Text | Read/Write | Booking’s notes. (1000 characters max) | maximum length: 6000 |
owned_by_app | Boolean | Read | Defines whether booking was created by current app. | |
paid_amount | Decimal | Read | Booking’s amount that have already been paid. | |
payment_url | String | Read | Url for booking’s payment. | |
reference | String | Read | Booking’s reference code. | |
rental_payback_to_owner | Decimal | Read/Write | Amount of money to pay back to owner (only rental, excluding fees). | Must be blank or greater than or equal to: 0 and lower than initial_price
review_requests_count | Integer | Read | Booking’s number of review requests. | |
status | String | Read | Booking’s status. | |
unavailable | Boolean | Read/Write | Booking’s unavailable status, false by default. When set to true, marks the given period as unavailable. Commonly used for closed or maintenance periods. | |
external_reference | String | Read/Write | Booking’s reference from the source channel. | |
cancelation_reason | String | Read/Write | Booking’s cancelation reason (for writable part - it can be used in both update and cancelation endpoints) | |
cancelation_message_to_guest | String | Read/Write | Booking’s cancelation message to guest (for writable part - only in cancelation endpoint) | |
cancelation_message_to_channel | String | Read/Write | Booking’s cancelation message to guest (for writable part - only in cancelation endpoint) | |
imported | Boolean | Read/Write | Whether this booking was imported from the external Channel or not | |
reconciliation | Decimal | Read/Write | Booking’s reconciliation | |
authorized_amount | Decimal | Read | Booking’s authorized amount | |
paid_or_authorized_amount | Decimal | Read | Booking’s paid or authorized amount | |
balance_due_at | Time | Read | Booking’s payment deadline. | |
created_at | Time | Read | Booking’s create time. | |
updated_at | Time | Read | Booking’s update time. | |
start_at | Time | Read/Write | Required. Booking’s start time. | |
end_at | Time | Read/Write | Required. Booking’s end time. | |
canceled_at | Time | Read/Write | Booking’s cancel time. | |
tentative_expires_at | Time | Read/Write | Booking’s tentative expiry time, null by default. When set, it will mark the period as “on hold” until the given date. Once this date is passed, the period will automatically become available again. | |
contract_updated_at | Time | Read | Booking’s contract update time. | |
booked_at | Time | Write | Exact timestamp when a booking was booked |
Based on the OAuth token scopes bookings listing will be limited to a certain range.
Scope | Read Permissions |
:public |
Display only future, not canceled bookings |
:bookings_write_owned |
Display only future, not canceled bookings |
:bookings_read |
Display all bookings |
:bookings_write |
Display all bookings |
Returns a list of all bookings for current account(s).
By default this endpoint returns only future and non-canceled bookings, if you like to change this behavior, make sure to check the search parameters.
GET /bookings
"links": {
"bookings.account": "{bookings.account}",
"bookings.bookings_tags": "{bookings.bookings_tags}",
"bookings.discount_code_usage": "{bookings.discount_code_usage}",
"bookings.rental": "{bookings.rental}",
"bookings.rentals_tags": "{bookings.rentals_tags}"
"bookings": [
"id": 203,
"status": "Booked",
"updated_at": "2025-02-19T11:41:37Z",
"start_at": "2025-02-26T11:41:37Z",
"end_at": "2025-03-05T11:41:37Z",
"links": {
"account": 1,
"bookings_tags": [
"discount_code_usage": 12,
"rental": 16,
"rentals_tags": [
"meta": {
"links": {
"bookings.account": "{bookings.account}",
"bookings.booking_comments": "{bookings.booking_comments}",
"bookings.bookings_fees": "{bookings.bookings_fees}",
"bookings.bookings_payments": "{bookings.bookings_payments}",
"bookings.bookings_tags": "{bookings.bookings_tags}",
"bookings.bookings_taxes": "{bookings.bookings_taxes}",
"bookings.client": "{bookings.client}",
"bookings.discount_code_usage": "{bookings.discount_code_usage}",
"bookings.inquiry": "{bookings.inquiry}",
"bookings.payments": "{bookings.payments}",
"bookings.rental": "{bookings.rental}",
"bookings.rental_agreement": "{bookings.rental_agreement}",
"bookings.rentals_tags": "{bookings.rentals_tags}",
"bookings.source": "{bookings.source}"
"bookings": [
"id": 80,
"adults": 5,
"booked": true,
"bookings_payments_count": 1,
"channel_price": null,
"charge_damage_deposit_on_arrival": true,
"children": null,
"commission": null,
"currency": "USD",
"damage_deposit": "0.0",
"discount": "10%",
"downpayment": null,
"expected_checkin_time": "14:45",
"expected_checkout_time": "11:30",
"external_reference": null,
"final_payback_to_owner": "0.0",
"final_price": "2700.0",
"final_rental_price": "2700.0",
"initial_price": "3000.0",
"initial_rental_price": "3000.0",
"locked": null,
"notes": "",
"owned_by_app": false,
"paid_amount": "2700.0",
"payment_left_to_collect": "0.0",
"payment_url": null,
"reference": "0000EG",
"rental_payback_to_owner": null,
"review_requests_count": 0,
"status": "Booked",
"unavailable": false,
"created_at": "2025-02-19T11:41:37Z",
"updated_at": "2025-02-19T11:41:37Z",
"start_at": "2025-02-26T11:41:37Z",
"end_at": "2025-03-05T11:41:37Z",
"canceled_at": null,
"balance_due_at": "BALANCE_DUE_AT",
"contract_updated_at": "CONTRACT_2025-02-19T11:41:37Z",
"tentative_expires_at": null,
"links": {
"account": 1,
"booking_comments": [
"bookings_fees": [
"bookings_payments": [
"bookings_tags": [
"bookings_taxes": [
"client": 37,
"conversations": [
"discount_code_usage": 12,
"inquiry": null,
"payments": [
"rental": 16,
"rental_agreement": null,
"rentals_tags": [
"source": null
"meta": {
Search parameters allow to filter bookings by specified fields.
GET /bookings?status=booked,unavailable&from=20140324
Name | Type | Default | Description |
from | Time | now | Bookings ending after given time. Default is now. |
until | Time | Bookings starting before given time. | |
months | Integer | Bookings starting before :from + :months . |
status | String | List of comma separated statuses. Possible values: booked,unavailable,tentative. | |
include_canceled | Boolean | false | Show also canceled bookings (requires :bookings_read or :bookings_write scope). |
rental_id | String | List of comma separated IDs. Returns only bookings for this rental(s) | |
client_id | String | List of comma separated IDs. Returns only bookings for this client(s) | |
updated_since | Time | Bookings updated after given time. Also includes ids of bookings canceled after given time. |
Returns a single booking identified by ID
GET /bookings/:booking_id
"links": {
"bookings.account": "{bookings.account}",
"bookings.bookings_tags": "{bookings.bookings_tags}",
"bookings.discount_code_usage": "{bookings.discount_code_usage}",
"bookings.rental": "{bookings.rental}",
"bookings.rentals_tags": "{bookings.rentals_tags}"
"bookings": [
"id": 203,
"status": "Booked",
"updated_at": "2025-02-19T11:41:37Z",
"start_at": "2025-02-26T11:41:37Z",
"end_at": "2025-03-05T11:41:37Z",
"links": {
"account": 1,
"bookings_tags": [
"discount_code_usage": 12,
"rental": 16,
"rentals_tags": [
"meta": {
"links": {
"bookings.account": "{bookings.account}",
"bookings.booking_comments": "{bookings.booking_comments}",
"bookings.bookings_fees": "{bookings.bookings_fees}",
"bookings.bookings_payments": "{bookings.bookings_payments}",
"bookings.bookings_tags": "{bookings.bookings_tags}",
"bookings.bookings_taxes": "{bookings.bookings_taxes}",
"bookings.client": "{bookings.client}",
"bookings.discount_code_usage": "{bookings.discount_code_usage}",
"bookings.inquiry": "{bookings.inquiry}",
"bookings.payments": "{bookings.payments}",
"bookings.rental": "{bookings.rental}",
"bookings.rental_agreement": "{bookings.rental_agreement}",
"bookings.rentals_tags": "{bookings.rentals_tags}",
"bookings.source": "{bookings.source}"
"bookings": [
"id": 80,
"adults": 5,
"booked": true,
"bookings_payments_count": 1,
"channel_price": null,
"charge_damage_deposit_on_arrival": true,
"children": null,
"commission": null,
"currency": "USD",
"damage_deposit": "0.0",
"discount": "10%",
"downpayment": null,
"expected_checkin_time": "14:45",
"expected_checkout_time": "11:30",
"external_reference": null,
"final_payback_to_owner": "0.0",
"final_price": "2700.0",
"final_rental_price": "2700.0",
"initial_price": "3000.0",
"initial_rental_price": "3000.0",
"locked": null,
"notes": "",
"owned_by_app": false,
"paid_amount": "2700.0",
"payment_left_to_collect": "0.0",
"payment_url": null,
"reference": "0000EG",
"rental_payback_to_owner": null,
"review_requests_count": 0,
"status": "Booked",
"unavailable": false,
"created_at": "2025-02-19T11:41:37Z",
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"start_at": "2025-02-26T11:41:37Z",
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To assign a status to a booking, you have to set either booked
, unavailable
or tentative_expires_at
fields. Only one of those attributes can be used at the same time.
Creates a booking for given rental.
POST /rentals/:rental_id/bookings
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Returns an updated booking identified by ID.
PUT /bookings/:booking_id
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Required OAuth scope: :bookings_write
or :bookings_write_owned
Returns an empty response with ‘204 No Content’ status code on success.
DELETE /bookings/:booking_id